Monday, December 17, 2012


Peter told me to reflect, so I'm trying.

What have I learned between September and December? What have I learned? 

I reflect. 

I've learned that when I pray, my voice is heard and echoes, reaching past what my eyes see and into something unseen, something unseen, like wind, but deeper, penetrating. I've known this, but not at the depth that I do now, because when I pray, truly set aside time to intercede and glorify, I feel so connected to the Father. So close to his heart. 

I've seen people, hurting people, dying people, people that are two seconds from slipping off a bridge in suicide, people that want to belong, but are scared of vulnerability, people that wish and wish things were different, better, people that are afraid to come in the open, but instead hide behind obesity, disease, shame, people that have everything, but nothing at all, people that are sick, but don't know how sick they are, people that fight and fight for themselves, their selfishness, their ego, but don't have love to give, people that only have a pack of cigarettes and a battered pair of shoes, people lost, lost people. Scars, ink, piercings, dyes, brands, immodesty, ethnicity it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. They are all the same. A beautiful sameness. A sameness in the way that God sees them. I long to see them that way. 

I've learned that tight-knit community can cause many tears and bruises, but the glory and beauty that comes from it, is worth the challenge. Charissa, Crystal, Lizzie, Amber, Maddy, Laura, Georgia; beautiful women, roommates. 

I've learned that attics and stairwells are lovely places to be.

I've learned that there is gray between every black and white. And that's okay. It's a whole new way of seeing, to see without judgement, to listen and listen without speaking, to try and try to understand, and give grace over and over again. I'm not talking about tolerance, I'm talking about being Christ to all people. To love with eyes that don't condemn, but with eyes that see a soul, a friend, and can creatively express that sight. 

I've learned that going out on a limb to make someone's day, will actually make your own day. 

I've seen God answer my prayer from ten years ago. He gave me an older sister; Georgia. We have had a whole lot of belly laughs, and probing talks, and ridiculous moments never to live down. I'll miss her. 

I've learned that Jesus shows his love for me through a phone call every night. 

I'll keep reflecting. 

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